Thursday 28 January 2016

Warning: node already installed, it's just not linked Mac OSX

Warning: homebrew/versions/node012-0.12.9 already installed, it's just not linked


Node already installed, it's just not linked

You might have installed node on your Mac but might be facing the error

Warning: homebrew/versions/node012-0.12.9 already installed, it's just not linked

The version here considered is node012, it could be for any version. This error means node is alerady installed which could be checked by the following command.

Ajeets-MacBook-Pro:~ zombie$ brew search node
homebrew/versions/node010        homebrew/versions/node06         leafnode                         nodebrew
homebrew/versions/node012 ✔      homebrew/versions/node08         node                             nodeenv
homebrew/versions/node04         homebrew/versions/node4-lts      node-build                       nodenv

As you can see the homebrew/versions/node012 is already installed as there is a tick in front of it. Now we only need to link it with the following command

brew link homebrew/versions/node012

You can check if it has been linked properly by checking the node version which should not through the same error again.

Ajeets-MacBook-Pro:~ zombie$ node -v


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