Saturday 24 September 2016

Replace Data Volumes of Elasticsearch Cluster with Encrypted Volumes

How To Remove Node From Elasticsearch Cluster Without Affecting Cluster Or Without Downtime

Encrypt Data Volumes Of Elasticsearch Node Without Any Downtime

Replace Existing Node Of Elasticsearch Cluster Without Any Downtime

You may encounter a situation when you need to remove/replace a node from an Elasticsearch cluster. let's consider a use-case where we need to encrypt all the data volumes (Volumes containing Elasticsearch data) needs to be encrypted.

Following process will be followed to achieve the same:

  • Select a Node,  say N2, take AMI of the root volume.
  • Launch an instance from the AMI taken, with the number of volumes to be used to store data. Check the option for "encrypted".
  • After launching it, Format and mount the volumes at the required mount-point.
  • Change the and parameters in /etc/elasticsearch.yml file
  • Since we have taken the image of root volume, the elasticsearch configuration should already be having the master node IP configuration. But now, since the IP has changed we simply need to update the and in elasticsearch.yml file.
  • Start the Elasticsearch process. It will automatically join the cluster and the cluster will start relocating the data to this node.
  • Now we have N+1 nodes in the cluster, we can decommission the existing node N2 on which we have unencrypted volume using a command.
  • After decommissioning the instance, wait for all the data to be relocated from N2 to other nodes.
  • When no data is left on the N2, stop the Elasticsearch process on it. 
Let's go deeper and see how to do this:


Consider a cluster having two instances N1 and N2.
Master node: N1
Data Node: N1, N2
Volumes attached to N1: V1N1 with mount-point /vol/es1 and V2N1 with mount-point /vol/es2
Volumes attached to N2: V1N2 with mount-point /vol/es1 and V2N2 with mount-point /vol/es2
All volumes are unencrypted.

Take AMI of root volume of N2 node, with the option "No Reboot" to make sure that current instance should not go down.
Launch a new instance from the AMI by adding two additional drive of required size and the check the encryption check-box.
Now, we have the new instance with two volumes which is going to serve the purpose of data volumes for Elasticsearch. These volumes are not yet mounted, so go ahead and mount the volumes.

Check the volume first with the command

fdisk -l

The available volumes may be /dev/xvdb and /dev/xvdc.
Now format the volumes with the required file system

mkfs.xfs /dev/xvdb
mkfs.xfs /dev/xvdc

Now mount the volumes:

mount /dev/xvdb /vol/es1
mount /dev/xvdc /vol/es2

As we have taken the AMI of the existing node, the mount point must be present with the required permission, if not, than do create them and give required permission.

Edit the /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file and change the values of following option give_unique_name_of_node  private_ip_address_of_node

We do not need to configure Master Node IP address since we have take the AMI of existing instance, its already configured. If have created a new instance than do configure it.

Now, we are done with the required configuration. Simply start the elasticsearch process and observe the logs.
Logs after adding the new elasticsearch instance.

[2016-09-20 13:10:04,718][INFO ][cluster.service          ] [X.X.X.X] detected_master {ip-X-X-
X-X.ec2.internal}{UfGNZVZ0SayYjZW50NO_FA}{X.X.X.X}{X.X.X.X:9300}{data=1, master=1},
 added {{ip-X-X-X-X.ec2.internal}{UTZRgnw4TfiswzBTV2gEXw}{X.X.X.X}{X.X.X.X:9300}
{data=1, master=0},{ip-X-X-X-X.ec2.internal}{UfGNZVZ0SayYjZW50NO_FA}{X.X.X.X}
{X.X.X.X:9300}{data=1, master=1},}, reason: zen-disco-receive(from master [{ip-X-X-X-
X.ec2.internal}{UfGNZVZ0SayYjZW50NO_FA}{X.X.X.X}{X.X.X.X:9300}{data=1, master=1}])

Here X.X.X.X are the IPs. The important thing here to note is the line detected_master and added {ip-X-X-X-X.ec2.internal} which signify that our new instance has detected the master node and it has been added to the cluster.

Run the command to check if data relocation (Transfer of data to newly added node) has started or not.

curl P.P.P.P:9200/_cat/shards?v

where P.P.P.P is the private IP of the node. Output must be as follows:

collection_name   1     p      RELOCATING 1392274    1.2gb X.X.X.X ip-X-X-X-X.ec2.internal -> Y.Y.Y.Y Mvv7ZxnCQqCapOhALzOAgA Y.Y.Y.Y 

You may observe several lines like this which signifies that the data relocation is going on.
Data would get distributed evenly on the nodes. After this we will deregister the N2 node from the cluster. To deregister, run the following command on master node N1.

curl -XPUT M.M.M.M:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{"transient" :
{"cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip" :"P.P.P.P"}}';echo

Here replace the M.M.M.M with the private IP address of master node and P.P.P.P with the private IP address of the N2 node. This command will give the acknowledgement to remove the N2 from the cluster with the following output:


After deregistering the N1, the data should start moving from N1 to other nodes which can be seen by running the following command:

curl http://M.M.M.M:9200/_cat/allocation?v


The output should be as follows:

shards disk.indices disk.used disk.avail disk.percent host           ip             node
     0           0b    64.4mb    199.8gb    199.9gb            0 P1.P1.P1.P1 P1.P1.P1.P1 ip-p1-p2-p3-p4.ec2.internal
    41       50.1gb    51.2gb    148.6gb    199.9gb           25 P2.P2.P2.P2  P2.P.2.P2.P2 P2.P.2.P2.P2
    41       47.4gb    47.9gb    151.9gb    199.9gb           23 P3.P3.P3.P3 P3.P3.P3.P3 ip-P3-P3-P3-P3.ec2.internal

When the shards and disk.indices on the node N2 gets 0 that means all data is being transferred to other nodes and the N2 is safe to remove from the cluster. Now Just stop the Elasticsearch process and you may terminate the instance N2.

Replacing the Master Node

We are done replacing the data-node. Now we will replace the Master node. In our case the master is also a data node which have two unencrypted volume. So we will be following the same process: 
  • Create a new node from the AMI of root volume of the node N1 and adding two volumes with encrypted option checked.
  • Format and mount newly added volumes.
  • Change the, paramters in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file.
  • Make sure to have node.master set to 1 in/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file.
This setting will make this node master enabled. so if we remove the current master node, this node will automatically become the master.
When this instance is ready, just start the elasticsearch process and it will automatically join the cluster and data relocation will start automatically which can be seen by the commands mentioned above for data node. To check the current master node and the new master enabled node, run the following command:
This will show all the nodes in the cluster. An "*" sign in front of a node shows that its a master node, "m" signifies a master enabled node which we created just now and "-" shows a data node.
P1.P1.P1.P1  P1.P1.P1.P1  41 99 0.02 d   -   P1.P1.P1.P1                  
P2.P2.P2.P2    P2.P2.P2.P2 25 99 0.30 d  *  ip-P2-P2-P2-P2.ec2.internal 
P3.P3.P3.P3   P3.P3.P3.P3    0 19 0.34 d  m  P3.P3.P3.P3  
We can now deregister the N1 node with the command which we previously used to deregister the data-node. Just put the IP of N1 to deregister it. Also, after deregistering it, check if the acknowledgement is true in the output and data relocation has started or not.

Once, when the data relocation is done and no shards is left on N1, stop elastsicsearch process and now we can terminate/stop the N1 instance.
After stopping elasticsearch process, the master enabled node will automatically become the master and there would be only two nodes left in the cluster.


  1. Elastic search is a search engine, which is open-source, is broadly distributed over the internet, is fast and scalable, and a great big–data solution with analytics of the database. The search result of ElasticSearch is very fast because rather than searching the text or keyword, it searches the index of the file. It searches the text and index files in different formats, which makes it super-fast.

  2. ElasticSearch + Kibana database

    Elasticsearch is a free, open-source search and analytics engine based on the Apache Lucene library. It’s the most popular search engine and has been available since 2010. It’s developed in Java, supporting clients in many different languages, such as PHP, Python, C#, and Ruby.

    Kibana is an free and open frontend application that sits on top of the Elastic Stack, providing search and data visualization capabilities for data indexed in Elasticsearch. Commonly known as the charting tool for the Elastic Stack (previously referred to as the ELK Stack after Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), Kibana also acts as the user interface for monitoring, managing, and securing an Elastic Stack cluster — as well as the centralized hub for built-in solutions developed on the Elastic Stack. Developed in 2013 from within the Elasticsearch community, Kibana has grown to become the window into the Elastic Stack itself, offering a portal for users and companies.ElasticSearch + Kibana database

    our ElasticSearch + Kibana database expert skills & 24/7 dedicated support for stable clusters and achieve unparalleled performance and cost reduction along with stable data health. Experience our enterprise-class, worldwide support for Kibana integrated Elasticsearch & other stack.With years of direct, hands-on experience managing large Elasticsearch deployments, Genex efficiently supports data-analytics in real time. Take advantage of market-leading functionalities and Kibana visualizations on large data sets, with features including high available clusters, TLS, and RBAC.



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